Thursday, February 14, 2013


So I have recently moved to Melbourne from Bundaberg, QLD and have decided to re-start my blog to record my big life adventure. As such, this blog is under construction and a lot of formatting and organising needs to be done. Not that anyone reads this... Yet (fingers crossed for some readers soon).

This is the first time that I have properly lived out of home (I lived in Brisbane for most of 2010, but I wasn't paying bills and being an adult) so this whole experience is new and exciting for me. It also means that I know virtually no one in this city except for my housemates, who are my friends from back home. I have never had very many friends, and being and doing things alone is not new to me. Although it is a little bit daunting in a new town, especially when I really want to go explore the nightlife but going alone isn't always the safest thing to do. I really want to get this job that I applied for at Dracula's Cabaret so I can make friends as weird as I am (weird in a good way of course).

 Well that's all from me for now, but be on the lookout for future posts, I shall be making videos and posts that show off the eccentric individual that is me.

 Byyeee CandyCarousels


Candy Carousels - Templates para novo blogger 2007